Thursday, 29 November 2007

The Big Tesco Shop

Giant Shopping Expedition With Uber Interesting Tips Surrounded By A Haze Of Yogurt-Coated Raisins Shame
having run out of seedy bread(gasp!) and turkey rashers(swoon!) i decide to make a mega list of ingredients compiled straight from my bible. Boy, it was a mega list.

But i couldn't find my rolled oats. I feel this is prophetic in many ways. However i did find nearly everything else, and have compiled this handy tip-selection for your tesco-shopping convenience:

  • almost all the ingredients that i couldn't find straight off were squirrelled near the bottom of the shelves - all the healthy living stuff, all the unusual ingredients, all the cheaper spices

  • i actually saved actual money of substance when i had onion powder, garlic salt, and cinnamon in my hand - all premium-brand, right - but found there was a whooole pound off for each of these when i bought tesco's own brand - i saved £3!! i can't quite get over it

  • healthy living cheese is expensive yet addictive, and comes in many addiction-sustaining varieties (i spent a lot on my cheese habit this week, but it's all lasted well, and tasty treats abound from this)

  • the brown rice i eat and waste so carelessly from the Tilda brand is soooo much cheaper than the normal variety! and the taste difference is negligible, says this observer.

  • the whole foods section at tesco is surprising filled with ingredients like Substance X and interesting bean-based concoctions

  • a tin of mandarins is cheaper than getting a bunch of tangerines, and you can always have both by encouraging your mother to buy the tangerines.

  • ry/i/vita is not as nice as "original cracker bread" and can't compete in the cardboard-like texture department

  • turkey slices are a lot more expensive than they used to be when i was younger

  • as is bread

  • this new-found knowledge is indispensable, so i felt i should pass it on to you guys.

    Shame Of The Day: yogurt coated raisins.

    Important Diet-Related Spiritual Change Of The Week: thinking yogurt-coated raisins are a) a sinful treat b) better than chocolate

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