Wednesday, 28 November 2007


Meagre Breakfast Which Harley Would Disapprove Of Mightily
2 x slices of wonderful seedbread (i call it lembas in my head)
2 x smidgens of scraped butter (the horror! the horror!!)
1 x smoothie from aldi which will probably turn out to be soylent green
1 x pilfered handful of sunflower seeds
1 x shrink-wrapped turkey rasher

after peeling myself off've the excercise bike, i really couldn't face an egg-white, so i just had toast. and then i remembered my soylent smoothie, so i popped that on the table to make it look more healthy, then i thought "no protein!" and was less dead by this time so i bunged one rasher of turkey bacon in the microwave with the clingfilm to prevent nasty yuk. this did not go well, but i do now have a shrink-wrapped turkey rasher in my kitchen. in years to come, advanced civilisations will discover my plastic rasher and declare that the northpeople in ancient times struggled against the odds to provide polymer food disguised as meat.

Worrying Horoscope Prediction Of The Day: "Be on the lookout for airborne objects."

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